Friday, October 12, 2012

With Re-Districting Complete, Kelly Assured Of Congressional Seat For Life! His Constituents - Old White People!

Super-Catholic Kelly, Right At Home With These Two Religious Kooks, Romney And Billy Graham
Kelly's voting record ripped

Recently, I received a political mailing from U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly, of Butler, R-3rd Dist. It's titled "Fighting to Protect OUR Jobs."

How is voting to repeal Obamacare 66 times saving our jobs? How is lying about $716 billion being taken from Medicare saving our jobs? How is voting to give businesses standing to relocate to another state or even out of the country saving our jobs? How is voting to take away collective bargaining rights of postal workers saving our jobs?

How is he being a champion in efforts to save Social Security and Medicare? He and his tea party cohorts want to turn Medicare into a voucher program. How is lying and distorting the truth about Obama and the Democrats going to protect our jobs?

When he ran for Congress, Kelly said he would work to create jobs. So far, no jobs have been created and many public jobs have been lost mainly due to austerity measures that the tea party gang wants. Austerity doesn't work, just ask the Europeans.

Mr. Kelly has proved that his loyalties lie with his donors and the far right. He is inflexible and does not deserve to be re-elected. He is incapable of working with the other side to accomplish what's in the best interest of his constituents and the American people. Frankly, he is part of the problem we have in Washington today.

Robert Moore|Erie

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